Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Bacterial Colonies

#Appearances of the colonies :-

Staphylococci -Oil paint appearance
(nutrient agar )

Pnumococci -Draughtmann/ carom coin appearance ( blood agar)

Corynebacterium -Chinese letter or
cuneiform arrangement

1) Bamboo stick appearance
2) Medusa head appearance( agar plates )
3) Inverted fir tree appearance( gelatin
stab culture)

Cl. perfringens
1) Stormy fermentation( litmus milk)
2) Target haemolysis(rabbit, sheep, human blood agar)

Cl. tetani -Drum stick appearance

Vibrio cholarae -Fish in stream appearance

Yersinia pestis
1) Safety pin appearance
2) Stalactite growth

H.influenzae -Satellitism

H. ducreyi -School of fish / rail road track appearance

Bordetella pertusis
1)Thumb print appearance
2)Bisected pearls / mercury drops(bordet- gengou medium)
3)Aluminium paint appearance

M. leprae -Cigar bundle appearance

Mycoplasma -Fried egg appearance

Sunday, 19 June 2016


"IF MSC students Measures BP of B.Anthrax, they are utilizing energy to form AMP...."

- Inverted fir tree appearance
- Frosted glass appearance
- Medusa head colony
- String of pearl's reaction
- Cut glass appearance in transmitted light
- Milzbrand-bazillus
- Bamboo stick appearance
- Polyglutamate capsule
- Ascoli's thermoprecipitin test
- M'Fadyean's reaction
- PLET Medium

Pulmonary anthrax----- by inhalation of wool----- so, "wool sorter's disease"

Cutaneous anthrax----- most common---painless ('hidden') charbon---- so, "hide porter's disease"

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Amino acids facts

Glutathione are synthesised from----- glutamate, cysteine, glycine

Creatine & creatinine are synthesised from ----- glycine, Arginine, methionine (gam)

Carnitine are synthesised from ---- lysine, methionine (mlc)
(Or Car License Methia 6...)

Cysteine are synthesised from ---- methionine, serine
[Cysteine acts as direct precursor of Taurine...]

Bile salts are synthesized from ----- Glycine and Cysteine

Co-enzyme-A is synthesized from ---- beta Alanine

Nitric oxide is synthesized from ---- Arginine


Cereals are deficient in---- lysine & threonine

Pulses are deficient in------ cysteine & methionine (both are sulfur containing amino acids)

Maize are deficient in------ tryptophan & lysine

(Cereals lysis through MeTaL PCM)