Wednesday 8 June 2016

Amino acids facts

Glutathione are synthesised from----- glutamate, cysteine, glycine

Creatine & creatinine are synthesised from ----- glycine, Arginine, methionine (gam)

Carnitine are synthesised from ---- lysine, methionine (mlc)
(Or Car License Methia 6...)

Cysteine are synthesised from ---- methionine, serine
[Cysteine acts as direct precursor of Taurine...]

Bile salts are synthesized from ----- Glycine and Cysteine

Co-enzyme-A is synthesized from ---- beta Alanine

Nitric oxide is synthesized from ---- Arginine


Cereals are deficient in---- lysine & threonine

Pulses are deficient in------ cysteine & methionine (both are sulfur containing amino acids)

Maize are deficient in------ tryptophan & lysine

(Cereals lysis through MeTaL PCM)

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