Thursday 19 May 2016

Signs in Radiology

Signs in Radiology

1) Accordion sign:
Appearance of bowel that may be seen with pseudomembranous colitis.

2) Air crescent sign:
Appearance of cavitation that may be seen with invasive apergillosis.

3) Anteater's nose sign:
Sign of calcaneonavicular tarsal coalition. (Coalition=Fusion)

4) Apple Core lesion;
Circumferential narrowing of the lumen secondary to colon

5) Ball on tee sign
Sign of papillary necrosis on IVU.

6) Banana sign
Seen on antenatal US and refers to a banana- shaped configuration of the cerebellum. Associated with neural tube defects.

7) Bat wing appearance (chest)
Classic chest radiography finding for
pulmonary edema.

8) Bat wing appearance (neuro)
Appearance of 4th ventricle that may be seen with Joubert syndrome.

9) Beak sign
Sigmoid volvulus.

10) Bergman's coiled catheter sign
Sign of ureteral transitional cell carcinoma when a catheter coils in region of neoplasm
(see also Goblet sign).

11) Bird's beak
Narrowing of the esophagus in achalasia.

12) Bird's beak
Narrowing of the colon in cecal volvulus.

13) Blade of grass
Paget disease.

14) Bone in bone sign
Appearance of spine that may be seen osteopetrosis.

15) Boot-shaped Heart
Appearance of heart that may be seen with tetralogy of Fallot.

16) Boxcar ventricles
Appearance of frontal horns that may be seen in Huntington's disease.

17) Breast in a breast
Term to describe Fibroadenolipomas.

18) Bulging fissure sign
Bulging of a pulmonary fissure. Most
commonly associated with Klebsiella

19) Bullet carpal bones
Appearance of carpal bones that may be seen with mucopolysaccharidoses.

20) Butterfly vertebrae
Results from failure of fusion of the lateral halves of the vertebral body because of persistent notochordal tissue between them

21) C sign
Sign of talocalcaneal tarsal coalition.

22) Cake kidney
All renal tissue is fused into one pelvic mass and gives rise to two separate ureters which enter the bladder in normal relationship.

23) Canoe paddle ribs :
Appearance of ribs that may be seen with mucopolysaccharidoses.

24) Celery stalking
Irregular appearance of metaphyses in patients with rubella. Also used to describe metaphyses in patients with osteopathia striata.

25) Central dot sign -aiims nov 2008
Sign of Caroli's disease.

26) Champagne sign
Specific but not commonly seen ultrasound finding for emphysematous cholecystitis.

27) Cloverleaf skull
Appreance of the skull that may be seen with thanatophoric dysplasia.

28) Cluster of grapes
Appearance that may be seen with
pneumatosis cystoides coli.

29) Cobra head sign
Dilatation of the distal ureter which may be seen in patients with ureteroceles.

30) Coffee bean sign
Sigmoid volvulus.

31) Collar sign
Sign of diaphragmatic rupture.

32) Comet sign
Sign to differential a phlebolith from a ureteral stone. Calcified phlebolith represents the comet nucleus and the adjacent, tapering, noncalcified portion of the vein is the comet
tail (also see soft-tissue rim sign).

33) Comet tail sign
Produced by the distortion of vessels and bronchi that lead to an adjacent area of round atelectasis.

34) Cord sign
Sign of intracranial dural sinus thrombosis.
(Also empty delta sign)

35) Corkscrew collaterals
Appearance of collaterals that may be seen in patients with Buerger disease.

36) Corkscrew sign
Upper GI series sign of midgut volvulus.

37) Corduroy appearance
Appearance of thickening trabeculations seen in intraosseous hemangiomas of the spine. See
also polka-dot pattern.

38) Crazy-paving sign
Nonspecific appearance consisting of linear network or reticular pattern with areas of ground-glass opacification. Classically
associated with pulmonary alveolar

39) Crossover sign
Anterior acetabular rim is projected laterally relative to the same point of the posterior rim in the superolateral aspect of the acetabulum. See with pincer type femoroacetabular impingement.

40) Cyclops lesion
May occur status post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

41) David Letterman sign
Sign of scapholunate ligament disruption (also see Terry Thomas sign).

42) Dense vessel sign
Sign of cerebrovascular accident that represent thrombus in the middle cerebral artery.

43) Dependent viscera sign
Sign of diaphragmatic rupture (viscera falls to a dependent position).

44) Dot and dash pattern
Sacral insufficiency fracture.

45) Double bleb sign
Appearance of amnion and yolk sac at 5-6 weeks. Embryo lies between amnion and yolk sac

46) Double bubble sign
Sign of duodenal atresia and other forms of duodenal obstruction.

47) Double decidua sign
Sign of early normal intrauterine gestation.

48) Double density sign (cardiac)
Sign of left atrial enlargement when right side of the left atrium pushes into the adjacent lung.

49) Double density sign (Nucs)
Pattern of uptake that may be seen on bone scans in patients with osteoid osteomas.

50) Double duct sign
Simultaneous dilatation of the common bile duct and pancreatic ducts that is generally caused by a tumor in the pancreatic head.

51) Double PCL sign
MRI sign of a bucket-handle meniscal tear.

52) Double track sign
Appearance of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis that may be seen on upper GI series.

53) Draped aorta sign
Sign of contained rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

54) Drooping lily sign
Inferolateral displacement of the opacified lower pole moiety in a duplex kidney from an obstructed (unopacified) upper pole moeity.

55) Egg on a string
Appearance of the heart that may be seen with transposition of great arteries.

56) Empty delta sign
Sign of intracranial dural sinus thrombosis.
(Also cord sign)

57) Epicardial fat pad sign
Sign of a pericardial effusion.

58) Eye of the tiger sign
low signal intensity circumscribing the globus pallidus in patients with Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome.

59) Faceless kidney
Appearance of kidney secondary to any process that obliterates renal sinus (i.e. lymphoma, transitional cell carcinoma).

60) Fallen fragment sign
Sign of a pathologic fracture seen with unicameral bone cysts.

61) Feeding vessel sign
Sign of pulmonary septic emboli.

62) Flame shaped (Breast)

63) Flame shaped (MSK)
Paget disease.

64) Fat halo sign
Seen in various diseases of the bowel in which fatty infiltration of the submucosa is present.

65) Fat ring sign
Preservation of the perivascular fat around the mesenteric vessels that may be seen with mesenteric panniculitis.

66) Flat tire sign
Sign of a ruptured globe.

67) Flat waist sign
Appearance of left heart border that may be seen with left lower lobe atelectasis.

68) Figure 3 sign
Appearance of the aorta that may be seen in patients with coarctation of the aorta.

69) Figure of eight
Appearance of the brain in pachygyria.

70) Finger in glove sign
Sign of mucous plugging seen with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.

71) Fish vertebrae.
Description of shape of vertebral bodies that may be seen in patients with sickle cell disease.
See also: H-shaped vertebral bodies.

72) Football sign
Sign of pneumoperitoneum seen on supine radiographs.

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